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Solo Travel: Why You Should Try It Once

Solo Travel: Why You Should Try It Once

Solo Travel, you’ll either love it or you’ll hate it .There is no way you’re going to walk away from a solo trip thinking “Meh, that was okay”. You’ll feel towards it passionately, that is guaranteed. The thing is, you have got to try it before you decide if you’re Team Love or Team Hate. Today we’re saying, give it a chance and try solo travel at least once in your lifetime. Here’s why:

1) Solo Travel Makes You Understand Yourself:

This is probably one of the best things about solo travel. It reveals to you amazing things about yourself. In everyday life, a lot of our actions are dictated by the routine we create for ourselves from the time we wake up to the programs we watch on TV to what we wear to sleep. All of this leaves us with barely any time for self introspection. However, travelling changes all that and solo travel more so. No one is taking joint decisions with you and no one is contributing to the pattern of your day (if there is a pattern at all that is). There is something incredibly magical about that. The first time you experience this, it’s almost a little scary and then you begin to feel the exhilaration. It’s freedom of the purest kind and you have a lot of thinking time with zero external influence. Your reactions to things and other people is entirely organic and the real you will slowly begin to reveal herself. Through this entire process you end up learning a lot about who you really are, what makes you happy and most importantly, how you can be a better person.

2) Solo Travel Teaches You To Reach Out: 

You’re all by yourself in a country where you don’t speak the language….what do you do? How do you communicate? Without a friend for support you’ll learn to figure out your own solutions, you’ll pick up phrases faster, you’ll research more and finally, you’ll start reaching out to other people. Opening up to strangers is not something that comes easily to everyone but even the least likely of travellers eventually, without even being forced, learn to reach out. With enough time, the effort of reaching out diminishes and only the joys of new friendships formed remain.

3) You’ll Make Better Friends: 

Carrying forward the whole reaching out to other people factor, Solo Travel makes you better friends on the road simply because you’re that much more open to meeting other people. Since you’re alone there is a high likelihood that you’ll end up meeting fellow travellers who have the same plans as you and soon enough, you’ll find yourself travelling with them. Although it’s not entirely impossible this isn’t something that usually happens when you’re travelling with friends or as a couple.

4) Solo Travel Inspires Confidence: 

Once you’ve travelled all alone, especially as a woman and experienced a life that’s different to the norm, it ends up making you a more confident person. Through your travels you would’ve dealt with potentially tricky situations such as taking a cab at night, trusting your gut with strangers, using public transport in a foreign country, getting lost and asking for directions among a plethora of other things. When you power through such circumstances and deal with things all by yourself, you end up feeling a lot more positive about yourself and your abilities. Once you return home you’ll find yourself walking a lot taller and communicating with a lot more self assuredness.

5) Solo Travel Shows You How Beautiful The World Really Is: 

When you’re alone, you’re more observant of all that is going on around you. You’ll listen to conversations better, notice the smallest things and make more eye contact. All of this creates opportunities for other people and their stories to enter your life. And these very people, these strangers, they will reach out to you a lot more too whether it is to have a simple conversation or to invite you home for a meal. When you’re travelling alone you get the opportunity to see humanity and the world at its finest. Finally, when you’re on your own in a place that you want to treasure forever, as a solo traveller you don’t owe anyone any words. If you want you can just close your eyes, take a deep breath and thank your lucky stars for the beautiful world we live in for as long as you want. Whether you choose to do that by shouting off at the top of mountains or by rolling your thoughts around like playful waves in your head – is entirely up to you. You can do whatever you feel like. And that is the joy of solo travel.

Courtesy of: Yahoo India Lifestyle

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